The Department of Information and Network Engineering


About us

With the rapid development of telecommunications in the modern world, society tirelessly moves towards complication of interconnections between various levels of production, increasing information flows in the technical, scientific, political, cultural, domestic and other spheres of social activity. Obviously, today, no process in the life of a modern society can take place without the exchange of information. For its timely transmission, various means and communication systems are used.

The department “Information and Network Engineering” is the leading in this area of ​​telecommunications.

The Department of INE conducts bachelor and master’s studies in specialty 172 Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, according to educational programs “Information Network Engineering” and “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering” in full-time education (on a state budget and contract basis) and on correspondence form of study. It uses modern teaching methods, in particular, using slide lectures, electronic textbooks, distance learning, computer testing.

These educational programs focus on the study of distributed information, computing resources and software, integrated into a single network structure that performs functions of collecting, storing, processing, protecting, distributing and transmitting information to users with guaranteed quality of information and communication services. The direction of educational programs is aimed at profound mastering of theoretical foundations and obtaining practical skills in the construction and administration of information and communication networks of various functional purposes. In the learning process, students are also trained in electronics, circuit engineering, programming, and in the field of information theory and coding, data protection, and the development and operation of information transmission systems.

In the educational process of the department modern educational laboratories, in particular, information and communication networks, hardware-software of mobile communication, Internet technologies and web programming, circuits, signals and circuit engineering are involved. Classes are held in specialized laboratories of the department equipped with modern equipment (from Ericsson, Cisco, D-Link, Samsung, Altera MAX, Watson, SunSet, Texas Instruments, etc.) and powerful computers with standard and specialized software provision.

Our best graduates receive double degrees from our university and other foreign universities, in particular Warsaw Polytechnic, Technical University of Wildau (Germany) and Lille (France). In the framework of the international program “Erasmus+” our masters are sent to study at Technical University Pardubice (Czech Republic).

Graduates work as engineers in firms and organizations providing telephone and mobile services (Ukrtelecom, U’tel, Kyivstar, Vodafone, lifecell, Internet-providers: Triolan, Maxnet); system administrators, providing the work of local and corporate information networks; database administrators of banking institutions, manufacturing and trading companies, government agencies and security agencies; as well as designers in companies planning and developing information networks for various purposes.