The Department of Information and Network Engineering


Ivanenko Stanislav Andriyovych

Ivanenko Stanislav Andriyovych
Associate professor of the Department of Information and Network Engineering

Education and Career

2015 – graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE), specializing in Information Communication Networks.

2009-2014. -Senior Laboratory of the Department of Communication Network KNURE

2015 – engineer of category I of the Department of Communication Network

2015 – assistant of the department of  CN KNURE

2020 – Senior Lecturer of the department of INE

2021 – Associate professor of the department of INE.

Educational activities

Conducts practical classes in educational disciplines: Mobile communication systems, the basis of circuit engineering

Research activities

The basic direction of scientific researches – Automated radiocontrol of radio communication systems and technologies of cognitive radio.

Participates in the organization of seminars in the field of “Telecommunications”, conducts student research work. Students under his leadership repeatedly occupied prize-winning places in competitions and olympiads from the profile direction.