The Department of Information and Network Engineering


Chornenkyi Ihor Mykolayovych

Chornenkyi Ihor Mykolayovych
Head of the department's laboratory

Education and career

In 1996, he graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics with a degree in “Multichannel Telecommunications”.

Since 1997 – Technical Information Protection Engineer of the First Department of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on the Southern Railway in Kharkiv.

Since 2005 – Senior Information Security Engineer of the First Department of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine at the Southern Railway, Kharkiv.

Since 2018 – Head of the Laboratory of the Department of INE NURE.



In 2004, he was awarded the Badge “For Distinction in Service” of the second degree.

In 2005, he was awarded the first degree badge “For Distinction in Service“.



Responsible for the material and technical condition of the INE Department.